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DS - Excel datasources | 2019-10-22 | 2024-11-13 | Link | Wtyczka zawiera implementację źródeł danych operujących na arkuszach danych. Obsługiwane typy plików: .xls, .xlsx i pochodne. | Dev CUF | Płatna | Wtyczka | com.suncode.plugin-excel-datasources |
Category: Spreadsheets
Download: >>LINK<<
The plugin includes the implementation of data sources running on spreadsheets. Supported file types: .xls, .xlsx and derivatives.
By means of the described data sources, it is possible to read and write data to spreadsheets in Microsoft's formats.
Supported spreadsheets must contain column headings in the first row.
Supported sheet sample:
All configuration examples in the further part of the documentation operate on the above file.
Starting from Plusworkflow System version 4.0.38 - datasource informs user about configuration errors (ex. file not found).
The data source allows you to parameterize the path to the spreadsheet on the disk. Thanks to this, it is possible, among others creating new spreadsheet files based on the variable/variables from the process.
To do this, you should embed the Id of the path parameter in special tags - { } - in the Filepath parameter in the data source configuration eg. C:\folder\arkusz_{data}.xls
Then, in the Path parameters section in the data source configuration, add the parameter with Id "data".
This will enable dynamic passing a value of the path's parameter with Id "data" when calling the data source.
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