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Return to components list: Plus Attachments


Basic information

Category: Table

Action location: Table, Table button

Available from version: 1.0.0

The action is used to remove information about the attachment from the table and to detach this attachment from the current process. The attachment can also be deleted from the archive depending on the configuration of the parameters. The action adds a button to the table while the form is being loaded. After clicking the button and not selecting any row in the table, a message will be displayed at the top of the page with the content defined in the "No selection message:" parameter. After selecting a given line and clicking on the button, a window will be displayed with a question confirming the intention to remove the attachment (YES / NO). After acceptance, the id number will be read from the given row and selected column (set in the "Column for "File Id" " parameter). Then the indicated row in the table will be deleted and the document with the given id will be detached from the current process. NOTE, when the document with the given id does not exist in the process, the selected line will be deleted.
Configuration parameters

Parameter name

From version


Paremeter type

Default value

Field type

Comments and restrictions

Button name*


The name to be displayed on the button.



Editable field

The parameter is hidden when an action is attached to a table button.
Icon name1.0.1

The name of the icon to be displayed on the added button. List: Icons (the word "silk-" is automatically attached to the name).

Text Editable field
The parameter is hidden when an action is attached to a table button.
Column for "file id"*1.0.1Variable in the table that will store the file id (unique document identifier in the system) of added attachments.Variable Editable field 
No selection message*1.0.1The content of the message that is to be displayed in the case of no line selection, after pressing the button.Text Editable field 
Delete from archive*1.0.23Determines whether the document being detached from the process should also be removed from the archive.BooleanNOEditable field 
Condition for row
1.0.23The condition that must be met for an action to be performed on a row. The context variable Row Index can be used to refer to the individual values of a row.Logical Function  Editable field 

Parameter*- mandatory field 

Context variables
Context variable nameFrom versionDescriptionParameter type
Row index
1.0.23Stores information about the index of the row currently being accessed. It can be used in the 'Condition for row' parameter to obtain values from the row.Integer
Configuration example

Table configuration

Table button configuration

Change log


  • Adding a component


  • Enable to add action to the table button


  • Added new parameter Delete from archive
  • Added new parameter Condition for row

  • No labels


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