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If you have a problem understanding how the action works, check: ActionConditional ExecutionComponents parameters.

Basic information

Category: Documents

Action location: Form, Button

Available from version: 1.0.13


The action brings up a window that allows you to connect documents from the archive for the selected document class. The action also offers the option of filtering documents from a given class by the values of their indexes.

Action call-up

Leaving an empty conditional field is equal to setting it to "true".

Action location

Conditional execution parameter action

Action call-up condition


Activates action

Button click


Call-up action

The "Conditional execution" parameter will return "true"

Configuration parameters

Parameter name


Paremeter type

Default value

Field type

Comments and restrictions

Document class*

Name of the class of documents that we want to connect from the archive



Drop-down list

The values appearing on the list are the classes found in the system.

Filter the results?*Displays parameters that limit the number of downloaded documents. Otherwise, all documents in the specified class are connected.BooleanYesEditable field 
IndexesIndexes after which we intend to filter documentsText Drop-down listThe values appearing on the list are indexes of the class entered in the "Document class" parameter.
FiltersIndex values. If the value in this parameter is in the corresponding document index, then this document will be connected.Text Editable fieldIf the filter is of a different type than the text, the component will automatically change the type from the given text value to the correct one.
Search exactlySpecifies whether the text index filters should be considered in their entirety, regardless of the ExactSearch system parameterBooleanYesEditable field 

Parameter*- mandatory field

Configuration example

Change log


  • Added component


  • Destination update - preventing the possibility of adding an action under the acceptance button


  • Dynamic form update


  • Fix handling of document class download


  • Fix support for retrieving indexes from document class


  • Added a new parameter - "Search exactly"


  • Fix retrieval of documents from the archive


  • Added index filtering on the form, fixed problems with pagination

  • No labels


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