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If you have a problem understanding how the action works, check: ActionConditional ExecutionComponents parameters.

Basic information

Category: User

Action location: Variable, Form, Button

Available from version: 1.0.3


Akcja zwraca dane użytkowników AKTUALNIE zastępowanych przez podanego użytkownika. W przypadku, gdy użytkownik nie ma w chwili obecnej żadnego przypisanego zastępstwa, to akcja zwraca jego własne dane.

Action call-up

Leaving an empty conditional field is equal to setting it to "true".

Action location

Conditional execution parameter action

Action call-up condition


Activates action

Changing the variable

FormCall-up action

The "Conditional execution" parameter will return "true"


Activates action

Button click

Configuration parameters

Parameter name


Paremeter type

Default value

Field type

Comments and restrictions

User login*

Replacement user login.



Editable field

Logins of replacedReplaced logins (separated by a semicolon or in form of an array), or the login of the user for whom the substitutions are checked are returned to the variable.Variable Editable field 
Positions of replacedReturned replaced positions, separated by a semicolon, or the position of the checked user who currently does not replace anyoneVariable Editable field 
Replaced of emailsReturned email addresses of the replaced, separated by a semicolon, or addresses of the checked user who currently does not replace anyone.Variable Editable field 
Superiors of replacedReturned supervisor logins replaced, separated by a semicolon, or supervisor logins of the checked user who currently does not replace anyone.Variable Editable field 

Parameter*- mandatory field

Configuration example

Change log


  • Dodanie komponentu


  • Obsługa polskich znaków


  • Opcjonalność parametrów


  • Zablokowanie możliwości dodania komponentu pod przycisk akceptacji

  • No labels


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