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If you have a problem with understanding how the action works, check the descriptions:  ActionConditional executionComponent parameters

Category: Table

Previous names: Conditional row deletion (till 1.0.43)

Action location: Table. Table button

Available from version: 1.0.18

Action description 

The action that during the form initialization adds a button to the table. After pressing the button, the action deletes the rows for which the Condition parameter returns true.

Action call

Leaving an empty conditional execution field is identical with setting it to "the truth". 

Action locationParameter operation "Conditional execution" Action call condition 

Activate the action

The "Condition" parameter will return "truth" for the given row.

Table buttonActivates the buttonPressing the button on which the action is located

Configuration parameters

Parameter nameFrom versionDescriptionParameter typeDefault valueField typeComments and restrictions
Button id*1.0.40

 The id button that will be added to the table. By default it is generated by the system, but it is possible to change it.

Text <generated by the system>Editable fieldHidden since version 1.0.91
Button name*1.0.18Button name that will be added to the tableText BlockingNon editable dropdown list

Possible values to choose: "Block" and "Unblock"

Hidden since version 1.0.91

Variables that trigger action*1.0.91
Changing the value of a variable triggers action.
Text Editable field
The parameter appears when selecting the value "Execute when variables updates" from the parameter "Action executing types".
Action executing types*1.0.91
Parameter specifying the type of event after which the action is to be triggered. There are 2 values to choose from:
  • Execute when conditional execute pass,
  • Execute when variables updates
Calling on condition of conditional execution.
Non editable dropdown list
Parameter appears when an action is placed on the table.



When the condition is met, it will delete the given row. The function is called for each row

Function NoEditable field

The function must return a logical type (true/false). In the condition is available to use the "CURRENT ROW" context variable.

Parameter*- required field

Context variables

Context variable nameFrom versionDescriptionParameter type
Current row1.0.18

Stores information about the currently set row number. It can be used in the "Condition" parameter, eg together with the item () function, to get the value from the currently set row.


Configuration on table (old version):

Configuration on table (new version):



Using example

 Example 1
Example 1

Przykład warunku tabeli (uzupełnione pole):

#not(empty(item($Zaznaczony wiersz, $Wybrana zmienna))).

Przykład warunku tabeli (identyczna wartość w polu na formularzu i wybranym polu tabeli):

#eq($zmienna_form,item($Zaznaczony wiersz,$zmienna_tab))

Table condition example(completed field):
#not(empty(item($Selected row, $Selected variable))).
Table condition example (identical value in the field on the form and selected table field):
#eq($variable_form,item($Selected row,$variable_tab))

Change log


  • Adding a component


  • Ability to attach more than one action on the form


  • Rename from the Conditional row deleting to Conditional row deletion


  • Dynamic form update - checking the Condition field type


  • Action can be added on dynamic table button


  • Adding Action executing types parameter and hidden Button id and Button name parameters

  • No labels


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