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If you have a problem understanding how the action works, check: ActionConditional executionComponents parameters

Basic information

Category: Attachment

Action location: Table

Available from version: 1.0.5


Action adds a set of options for managing documents in the process in selected column. There are 6 options for preview, adding, detaching, checking out, saving change and canceling change. They are displayed in the form of buttons or a drop-down context menu in the form of an icon. Action configuration allows to define which buttons will appear in each row of the table. Component has a context variable called Selected row that stores selected row number. Thanks to this variable it is possible e.g. to set a different document class or button name depending on the selected row. In the activity history only document preview button is displayed, unless hidden.

Configuration parameters

Parameter name


Paremeter type

Default value

Field type

Comments and restrictions

Display method*Defines the form in which the document management functions should be presented in the table. Selecting the context menu will build an icon with a drop-down context menu containing the options that have been defined in the following parameters. When buttons are selected, buttons will be created instead of the menu icon.TextButtons

Uneditable drop-down list

Displayed valuePassed values
Context menuCONTEXT-MENU
Column for icon or buttons*Column in the table where the context menu or buttons should appear.Variable Editable fieldVariable in the table where the actions have to be displayed. Tabular variable has to be read-only.
Column for file id*Feedback column for the attached file.Variable Editable fieldTabular variable must have defined text type instead of integer.

Column for document id

Feedback column for the attached document. Value is returned when adding a document.



Editable field

Tabular variable must have defined text type instead of integer.

Column for file nameFeedback column for the attached document. Value is returned when adding a document.Variable Editable field 
Column for upload dateFeedback column for the attached document. Value is returned when adding a document.Variable Editable field 
Column for descriptionFeedback column for the attached document. Value is returned when adding a document.Variable Editable field 
Column for document classFeedback column for the attached document. Value is returned when adding a document.Variable Editable field 
Hide show button*Field set to yes hides the button and related configuration. Show button allows to view attached file in a new window. If the file format makes it impossible to read contents of the file, it will be downloaded to local disk instead.LogicNoEditable field 
Show button nameName of the document show button.TextPokaż załącznikEditable fieldIn case of choosing in Display method parameter buttons instead of context menu, then text will be displayed as a tooltip.
Show button iconName of the icon that is displayed within the button element.TextzoomUneditable drop-down listName of the icon selected from the drop-down list.
Show newest version*Preview displays newest document version.LogicNoUneditable drop-down list 
Hide add button*Field set to yes hides the button and related configuration. Adding allows to attach a document to the process.LogicNoUneditable drop-down list 
Add button nameName of the document add button.TextDodaj załącznikEditable fieldIn case of choosing in Display method parameter buttons instead of context menu, then text will be displayed as a tooltip.
Add button iconName of the icon that is displayed within the button element.TextaddUneditable drop-down listName of the icon selected from the drop-down list.
Class namesNames of document classes that will appear on the list in the document add window.Text values table Uneditable drop-down listIf there is no any typed value, all document classes will be displayed in the document add window.
Show indexes*Displays the document class index configuration window in the add Document window.LogicNoUneditable drop-down listFile adding window configuration.
Check adding permissions*Checks the user's permissions to the document class while adding a document.LogicYesUneditable drop-down listFile adding window configuration.
Choose the first class*Selects the first class from the list of classes in the add document window.LogicYesUneditable drop-down listFile adding window configuration.
Description of the fileFilling in description of the file value in the window for adding documents.Text Editable fieldFile adding window configuration.
Message of successful attachment of the document*Content of the message that will be displayed in the tooltip after the document has been correctly attached to the process. Text can be saved using HTML tags.TextDodano nowy dokumentEditable field 
Hide detach button*Field set to yes hides the button and related configuration. Detaching removes the document from the archive or detaches the document from the process, depending on the configuration of the other parameters in this section.LogicNoUneditable drop-down list 
Detach button nameName of the document detach button.TextOdłącz załącznikEditable fieldIn case of choosing in Display method parameter buttons instead of context menu, then text will be displayed as a tooltip.
Detach button iconName of the icon that is displayed within the button element.TextdeleteUneditable drop-down listName of the icon selected from the drop-down list.
Deleting from the archive*If set to yes, the file is removed from the archive during detach operation. However, an option set to no will detach the file from the process.LogicNoUneditable drop-down list

Note that depending on how this parameter is set, the permissions for detach button will be checked in a different way.

Parameter set to Yes:

  • checking, if user is the owner of the file and its newer versions,
  • checking user delete permission to document class.

Parameter set to No:

  • checking, if user is the owner of the file and its newer versions.


Delete a row*If set to yes, the row will be deleted and the document will be detached. If set to no, the row remains, and the document information is deleted in that row.LogicNoUneditable drop-down list 
Warn against detach*If set to yes, the confirmation window will be displayed before the document is detached. However, setting it to no causes that documents are immediately detached.LogicYesUneditable drop-down list 
Window titleConfirmation window title.TextOdłączanie załącznikaEditable field 
Content of the windowContent that will appear in the confirmation window. Pressing YES will perform the action (detach the document).TextCzy na pewno chcesz odłączyć dokument?Editable field 
Hide check out button*Field set to yes hides the button and related configuration. Setting to yes causes that check out and cancel buttons will be displayed along with the check out button. All three together provide an ability to create new versions of files for a specific document.LogicYesUneditable drop-down list 
Check out button nameName of the document check out button.Text Editable fieldIn case of choosing in Display method parameter buttons instead of context menu, then text will be displayed as a tooltip.
Check out button iconName of the icon that is displayed within the button element.Text Uneditable drop-down listName of the icon selected from the drop-down list.
Check in button nameName of the document check in button.Text Editable fieldIn case of choosing in Display method parameter buttons instead of context menu, then text will be displayed as a tooltip.
Check in button iconName of the icon that is displayed within the button element.Text Uneditable drop-down listName of the icon selected from the drop-down list.
Cancel change button nameName of the document cancel change button.Text Editable fieldIn case of choosing in Display method parameter buttons instead of context menu, then text will be displayed as a tooltip.
Cancel change button iconName of the icon that is displayed within the button element.Text Uneditable drop-down listName of the icon selected from the drop-down list.

Parameter*- mandatory field

Action takes into account system users' rights to document classes. Therefore, if the user does not have the appropriate permissions to perform specific actions allowed by this action, buttons related to these actions will not appear in the process.

Context variables
Context variable nameFrom versionDescriptionParameter type
Selected row1.0.10Stores the index information of the currently set row.Integer

In case of detach button, that is, the action of removing or detaching a document from a process, it is checked whether the user is the owner of the file and its newer versions. If the user does not own the file (did not add the file to the process) or its newer versions when trying to detach or delete, the operation will not be successful because the button will not be displayed. For example, if there are 3 versions of a document in a dynamic table, with the first two added by user X and the third by user Y, it will not be possible to detach the second version by user X.

Configuration example
  1. Action with parameter Display method set to buttons

Example of use
  1. Action with parameter Display method set to buttons
  • Table before adding the document
  • Table after adding the document
  • Table after checking out the docucment
  • Table after checking in the document

  • Table after detaching the document
File ID that does not exist in the table

If there is a file identifier in the table that does not exist in the archive, then the set of options used to manage the files in the given row will be replaced with a single button indicating the error related to the failure to find the file. Clicking on this button will clear the entire line and return to the starting point of the action.

The case where this issue occurs might be when you copy a line with an attached file and then detach one of the two files with the delete from archive option set to true.


After detaching the file from the second line, the first line contains a button indicating that the file does not exist in the archive as an error.

Change log


  • Adding a component


  • Hiding buttons

1.0.16 (applicable documentation)

  • Adding check out and check buttons


  • Adding a button informing about the error of a non-existent file


  • Added "Show newest document version" option




  • No labels


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