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 In case of any problems with understanding how the automatic task works, check: Automatic task, Conditional execution, Component parameters

Category: General

Available from version: 1.0.50 



The application accepts, cancels or sets variables in selected processes found in the system. It also allows simultaneous acceptance/cancellation of the process and update variables. After variables update documents actions are executed.

Configuration parameters

Parameter Category Parameter NameFrom versionDescriptionParameter type Default valueField type Comments and restrictions 
-Activity type*1.0.50Determines how the application will operate. TextProcess endNon-editable dropdown list The values to choose from are described in the table below. 
Process*1.0.50The name of the process affected by application operation.Text Non-editable dropdown list List of available processes in the system.
Task*1.0.50Specifies the task during which the process must be in order for the application to work.Text Non-editable dropdown list List of available tasks in the process. 

Accept button 

1.0.50The button with which the task will be accepted.Text Non-editable dropdown list List of available buttons in task. 
Multiple process support*1.0.50When the search returns more than one process, the application will work on each of them. If set to NO, the application will throw an error.Logical YesNon-editable dropdown list  
Include closed activities1.0.XIncludes closed activities when updating process.LogicalNoNon-editable dropdown list 
Closed activities comment type



SINGULAR - add comment to every activity;

COLLECTIVE - add comment to last activity only

TextSINGULARNon-editable dropdown listPossible values: SINGULAR, COLLECTIVE
Searching after variable values Variables1.0.50Variables at which the processes will be found.Text values table Non-editable dropdown list List of available variables in the process.
Values1.0.50Values that have variables in the search process.Text values table Editable fieldPass values as text, the application will automatically match the type to type of variables. 
-Update variables 1.0.50Specifies whether to update the variables together with the acceptance/cancellation.Logical NoNon-editable dropdown list The parameter is shown only if "Accept process" or "Process cancellation" is selected. Shows or hides parameters from the "Set variable values" category.
Setting variable values  Variables 1.0.50Variables which values we want to set.Text values table Non-editable dropdown list List of available variables names in the process.
Values 1.0.50Values that we want to set for variables in the retrieved processes.Text values table Editable fieldPass values as text, the application will automatically match the type to type of variables. When setting a tabular variable, the values should be passed as text after the semicolon, e.g. "value1; value2; value3" (see join function)
-Comment in updated process1.0.59Specifies whether to add a comment with user text to the updated processLogical NoNon-editable dropdown list  
Comment1.0.59The content of the comment that will be added to the processText Editable field 

Parameter*- mandatory field 

Activity type

Activity type 

Available from version

Value of the parameter to enter (without using the drop down list) Description 
Acceptance of the task1.0.50ACCEPT_ACTIVITYAccepts the selected task from the process specified by the action from the button.
Process cancelation  1.0.50CANCEL_PROCESS Cancels the selected task from the process. 
Update selected task from the process (previous name: Process update) 1.0.50UPDATE_PROCESS

Updates variables in the selected task from the process. 


Starting from version 1.0.143, when updating closed process activity, an additional comment explaining archive data change is added to activity.

Update in all process tasks 


Updates variables in all tasks in the process and updates variables in closed processes.


Starting from version 1.0.143, when updating closed process activity, an additional comment explaining archive data change is added to activity.

Configuration example

version 1.0.50

Application example

 Example 1 Updating a selected task from a process
Example 1 Updating a selected task from a process

Let us assume that we have several tasks in the process of contracts review at the stage of Contract registration. All tasks with contracts which type is "Other” we want to transfer to the next stage e.g. business acceptance.

For this purpose, we create a map with the task Automatic Process Update and configure it in the following way:

  1. Choose the type of action from the list. In our case it will be "task acceptance" because we want to go from one stage of the process to another. 
  2. Then choose the name of the process, in this case "Contracts review”
  3. We accept all processes on the selected task, so we set the "Multiple processes support" parameter accordingly. 
  4. The processes that we want to accept are at the stage of "Contract registration".
  5. Make sure that the task is accepted with the appropriate button. So we choose the right position from the list.
  6. We do not intend to accept all processes at this stage, but only those whose type equals to Others. We use the "Search for variable values" parameter to limit the results in which the task acceptance will happen.
  7. In this case, we do not use the functionality of variables update. 
  8. If we have configured the component correctly it should look like this:

The only thing left to do right now is to run the automatic task.

 Example 2 Process cancellation
Example 2 Process cancellation

Let's assume that we have several tasks in the process of contracts review that we want to cancel. Each of them is at the stage of "Canceling the contract".

For this purpose, we create a map with the task Automatic Process Update and configure it in the following way:

  1. Choose the type of action from the list. In our case it will be "Process cancellation". 
  2. Then choose the name of the process, in this case "Contracts review” 
  3. We cancel all processes on the selected task, so we set the "Multiple processes support" parameter accordingly.
  4. The processes that we want to accept are at the stage of "Contract cancellation”.
  5. We want to cancel all processes at this stage, so we need to leave the "Search for variables values" parameter blank. 
  6. In this case, we use the variables update functionality. 
  7. Set the value of the "Comments / Question" variable to "Canceled". (this is just an example; it is not required to cancel the process) 
  8. If we have configured the component correctly it should look like this:

The only thing left to do right now is to run the automatic task.

 Example 3 Process update
Example 3 Process update

Let's assume that we have several tasks in the Contract generation process that we want to update. Each of them is at the stage of "Completing the standard contract data". We want to update the variable "Contract from" which stores the date by using a variable from the process in which the automatic task will be performed.

For this purpose, we create a map with the task Automatic Process Update and configure it in the following way:

  1. Choose the type of action from the list. In our case it will be "Process update”
  2. Then choose the name of the process, in this case "Standard contracts generation process”
  3. We update all processes on the selected task, so we set the "Multiple processes support" parameter accordingly. 
  4. The processes that we want to accept are at the stage of “Completing the standard contract data”.  
  5. We want to update all processes at this stage, so we need to leave the "Search for variables values" parameter blank.
  6. Set the value of the variable "Contract from" to #toString ($Application Date) - we must use the toString function, because the "Values" parameter accepts only text values, and our variable is of "date" type.
  7. If we have configured the component correctly it should look like this: 

The only thing left to do right now is to run the automatic task.

 Example 4 Setting tabular variables
Example 4 Setting tabular variables

If we want to set tabular variables, subsequent values should be entered after the semicolon.

To set a tabular variable using other tabular variable we use the join function with the separator ";".

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