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If you have trouble understanding how the action works, check the descriptions: DatachooserConditional executionComponents parameters

Basic information

Category: User

Available from version: 1.0.63


Data Chooser returns a list of users who meet certain criteria (belong to groups, do not belong to groups, have roles etc. or return all users in wsystem outside the administrative user). Subsequent filters are connected with each other using the logical AND operator.

Configuration parameters
Parameter groupParameter nameDescriptionParemeter typeDefault valueField typeComments and restrictions
-Source user list *The parameter defines from what source the list of users will be retrieved for display in the datachooserTextAll usersDrop-down list

Hides / shows the "Users" parameter

Values to choose from:

Displayed valueValue transmitted
All usersall
Custom userscustom
All users except selectedusers-excluded
-UsersThe parameter appears when we choose one of the two values in the "Source list of users" parameter: "Selected users" or "All users except selected". Specifies the selected users.An array of text values Drop-down listYou can choose between users found in the system (logins).

Filtering (component) 

Filtering by groups *

Selecting the filtering type from the values given:

TextoffDrop-down list

Hides / shows the "Groups" parameter

Values to choose from:

Displayed valueValue transmitted
Belongs to all of the selected groupsall
Belongs to any of the selected groupsany
Does not belong to any of the selected groupsnone
GroupsThe list will return only users who do not belong to the given groups.An array of text values Drop-down list

Selectable groups found in the system.

Values to choose from:

Displayed valueValue transmitted
<group name translated><original group name>
Filter by organizational units *

Selection of the filtering type among the given values.

TextoffDrop-down list

Hides / shows the "Organizational units" parameter

Values to choose from:

Displayed valueValue transmitted
Belongs to all of the selected organizational unitsall
Belongs to any of the selected organizational unitsany
Does not belong to any of the selected organizational unitsnone
Organizational unitsField for selecting organizational units, followed by filtering.An array of text values Drop-down list

You can choose the organizational units found in the system.

Values to choose from:

Displayed valueValue transmitted
<name of the organizational unit><organizational unit symbol>
Get from sub-unitsSpecifies whether to include sub-units in searchesBooleanYesEditable field 
Role filtering *

Selection of the filtering type among the given values.

TextoffDrop-down list

Hides / shows the "Roles" parameter.

Values to choose from:

Displayed valueValue transmitted
Belongs to all of the selected rolesall
Belongs to any of the selected rolesany
Does not belong to any of the selected rolesnone




The list will return only users who have the given role.An array of text values Drop-down list

You can choose the roles found in the system in the form:


Filter (edit field)Filter by*Specifies whether we want to filter using visible mappings or choose our own. Note - visible mappings include only those mappings that are available for selection from the Selected Mappings list.TextvisibleDrop-down list

Values to choose from:

Displayed valueValue transmitted
Visible mappingsvisible
Selected mappingscustom

Selected mappings

Specifies the mappings after which the results will be filtered.An array of text values Drop-down list

You can choose mappings:

From versionDisplayed valueValue transmitted

User's ID


User name


User surname


User email

1.0.71User full namefullName
1.0.105Organizational unitsous
1.0.105Organizational unit symbolsousSymbols
1.0.105Position symbolspositionsSymbols
1.0.105Superiors usernamessuperiors
SortowanieSortuj po*Określa po wartościach z którego mappingu nastąpi sortowanie.TextuserIdDrop-down list

Do wyboru mappingi:

From versionDisplayed valueValue transmitted
1.0.63User's IDuserName
1.0.63User namefirstName
1.0.63User surnamelastName
1.0.63User emailemail
1.0.71User full namefullName
Rodzaj sortowania*Określa, czy sortowanie będzie rosnące, czy malejące.TextRosnąceDrop-down list

Do wyboru wartości:

Displayed valueValue transmitted
Mappping nameFrom versionDescription
firstName1.0.17User name
lastName1.0.17User surname
email1.0.17User email
fullname1.0.17User full name
number1.0.17User number
groupname1.0.17User group
positionname1.0.17User position
positionoussymbol1.0.17User organizational unit symbol
positionssymbol1.0.17User position symbol
superiorUsername1.0.24Superior user name
superiorFullname1.0.24Superior full name
Mappping nameOpis
userNameReturns the user id.
firstNameReturns the user's first name.
lastNameReturns the user's last name.
fullNameReturns the user's first and last name.
reverseNameReturns the user's last name and first name.
emailReturns the user's email.
ousReturns the names of the user's organizational units. Subsequent values are returned after a semicolon.
ousSymbolsReturns the symbols of user organizational units. Subsequent values are returned after a semicolon.
groupsReturns user group names. Subsequent values are returned after a semicolon.
positionsReturns user position names. Subsequent values are returned after a semicolon.
positionsSymbolsReturns user position symbols. Subsequent values are returned after a semicolon.
rolesReturns user role names. Subsequent values are returned after a semicolon.
superiorsReturns the login of the user's superiors. Subsequent values are returned after a semicolon.
Configuration example

Initial Configuration:

Example of completed documentation:

Change log


  • Adding a component


  • Fixed double display error
  • Bug fix for package roles
  • Addition of filtering by name and surname


  • Addition of filtering by :
    1. Organizational units
    2. Organizational unit symbols
    3. Groups
    4. Positions
    5. Position symbols
    6. Superiors usernames

  • No labels


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