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Basic information

Package: com.suncode.plugin.scheduldedtask.task.AcceptActivityWithDBexplorer

Available from version: 1.0.14




Task searches for selected open tasks from a given user. Then it executes a prepared query for each task (it can execute a query with parameters taken from the process). When the query returns any results, the task will be accepted (it also allows saving the downloaded data to the task before accepting it).

Configuration parameters
Id of the variables from the process


Parameter namefrom versionDescriptionThe type of the parameterDefault valueNotes and Restrictions
Database*1.0.14Connection name to database from Data Editor configurationString  
Query name*1.0.14Name of the query from the pm_dbqueries table (query_name)String  
User names*1.0.14The names of the users for whom the tasks are searched. Entered users should be separated by a comma. The parameter is optional. If the parameter is left empty, open tasks are taken into account regardless of the user assigned to them.String  
processDefId*1.0.14Process definition IDString  
activityDefId*1.0.14Activity definition IDString  
Action name1.0.14The name of the action (button) to be performed when accepting the task.String Setting the value to blank causes the default accept button (when none is present on the form).
Id of the variables from the process1.0.14A list of variable identifiers (separated by a comma) from the process that will be used to execute the query. The order matters.String Possibility to use process array variables
Save the received data in the processed activity*1.0.14Updates the activity context with the data retrieved from the database. Return column names must match the process variable identifiers.Boolean You can use aliases on the returned columns in your query
Multiple value support for a header variable*1.0.14Possible types BLOCK, FIRST, UNIQUEBoolean 

Used when updating header variables in the process

BLOCKBreaks the selected task if it returns more than one result for a header variable.
FIRSTI'm just rewriting the first value.
UNIQUEI rewrite after the ';' character (semicolon) values unique to the header variable. The variable must be of a text type.
Overwriting tabular variables*1.0.14When 'true', the retrieved tabular variables will be replaced, otherwise the new values will be added.Boolean Used when updating tabular variables in the process
Invoke validators during acceptance*1.0.25Determines whether acceptance of a task should be dependent on validators.BooleanNo 
Sample configuration

Sample task configuration:

Sample query:

Change log

1.0.14 (applicable documentation)

  • Create a scheduled task

1.0.25 (applicable documentation)

  • Added new parameter Invoke validators during acceptance


  • Changing the parameter "User name" to "User names"

  • No labels


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