Available from version: 1.0.28
The task decrypts encrypted files in the selected document class in the archive. The search for files is limited to the given date range (file creation date). The task has a built-in timer after which it stops running. The time limiter can be set using the parameter, giving a numerical value that specifies the maximum duration of the task in hours. Logs from the decryption process are saved in the system table Tab_4 "pm_encryption_task_log"
Parameter name | from version | Description | The type of the parameter | Notes and Restrictions |
Document class name* | 1.0.28 | The name of the class in which the files will be encrypted | String | |
File creation date (from)* | 1.0.28 | Minimum file creation date | Date | |
File creation date (until)* | 1.0.28 | Maximum file creation date | Date | |
Maximum task runtime (in hours)* | 1.0.28 | The scheduled task will be terminated after exceeding the specified hours execution time | Number | |
Maximum number of files processed in parallel* | 1.0.28 | Maximum number of threads used to process files. The value should be in the range 1 - 50. | Number | The more threads, the faster the operation, but it also places a heavy load on the server |
Progress logging interval [seconds]* | 1.0.28 | The time between logging file processing progress, counted in seconds. The log is displayed if the number of processed files has changed. | Number | The absolute value of a given number is taken. For value 0, 1 second is inserted. |
Turn off the task when finished* | 1.0.28 | A parameter that allows you to disable a scheduled task after it is properly run for the first time. Useful when the launch is scheduled in the future and we want to disable it after the first launch | Boolean | Values: true/false |
Index Mapping | 1.0.30 | Sets the selected indexes in the document class for the file being processed. Regardless of which version of the document is being processed. If a document has 5 versions and only the middle version file (e.g. version 3) is found and processed. The indexes on the document will update to the specified version. In short: Any document being processed will update the index on the document. | String | JSON format in the form {"indexName": "value"} {"status":"Deszyfracja","number":"123","time":"2022-01-12"} |
Data source id | 1.0.31 | Id of the source to which the data will be written | String | |
Source calling parameters | 1.0.31 | JSON object containing the input configuration of the data source (in the format {'x': 'y', ...}, where x - source parameter id; y - parameter value). We use tags here. | String |
Tags | Description |
Information about the last time the task was performed | |
{timestamp} | thirteen-digit number of milliseconds from 01.01.1970 (timestamp) |
{DD} | two-digit number representing the day of the month |
{MM} | two-digit number representing the month |
{YY} | two-digit number representing the year |
{YYYY} | four-digit number representing the year |
{hh} | two-digit number representing hour |
{mm} | two-digit number representing minutes |
{ss} | two-digit number representing seconds |
{nnn} | three-digit number representing nanoseconds |
Information about actual time | |
{current_timestamp} | thirteen-digit number of milliseconds from 01.01.1970 (timestamp) |
{current_DD} | two-digit number representing the day of the month |
{current_MM} | two-digit number representing the month |
{current_YY} | two-digit number representing the year |
{current_YYYY} | four-digit number representing the year |
{current_hh} | two-digit number representing hour |
{current_mm} | two-digit number representing minutes |
{current_ss} | two-digit number representing seconds |
{current_nn} | three-digit number representing nanoseconds |
Information about file | |
{id} | File id |
{name} | File name |
{org_name} | Original file name |
{path} | Path to file |
{cipher_algorithm} | Cipher algorithm |
{cipher_key} | Cipher algorithm key |
{file_date} | File date |
{uploader} | Login of user who upload file |
{description} | Description |
{file_size} | File size |
{compressed} | Information whether file is compressed |
{encrypted} | Information wherher file is encrypted |
{doc_class_id} | Document class id |
{doc_class_name} | Document class name |
1.0.28 (applicable documentation)
- Create a scheduled task
1.0.29 (applicable documentation)
- Addition of a table with logs
1.0.30(applicable documentation)
- Assing parametr Index Mappin
1.0.31(applicable documentation)
- Adding data source Id parameter and source parameter values