Download the current stable version of Tomcat 8.5 server (as of 03.2023) from the site: in .zip archive format.
Unzip the server in the location where we want to keep our server.
Adding a server to Intellij
Add a new Tomcat Servel Local configuration.
In Application server, set the path to the Tomcat folder.
Go to Deployment tab.
Click plus and select plusworkflow-web:war exploded.
At the bottom, you can change Application context from 'plusworkflow_web_war_exploded' to whatever you want (application context must be contained in the URL in the server tab, e.g. URL: http://localhost:8080/PWFL, application context: /PWFL).
Go back to the server tab and set 'On Update action' to Update classes and resources.
The Tomcat server will start on localhost:8080 by default, as this is its default port number.
If port 8080 is already used by another process, Tomcat will use the next available port number: 8081 or 8082, etc.
The final configuration of the server tab looks as follows:
If you do not have permission to run the server, type into the terminal:
chmod a+x path-to-tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.86/bin/
Adding a server to Eclipse
In the "Servers" tab, click on the link to create a new server
In the new window we choose the version of the server as we downloaded from the site. Leave the rest of the fields as they are. Click Finish.
Configuring the server in Eclipse
Double-click on the server in the Servers tab.
This opens a server configuration window
Changing the deployment location of projects
In the "Server locations" tab, select "Use custom location" and specify the path where the compiled files from our project will be placed.
Changing the server on/off times
Sometimes the server needs more time to start its operation, so it is worth increasing the value of the "Start" parameter to several minutes.