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If you have a problem understanding how the action works, check: Automatic tasks, Conditional execution, Components params

Basic information

Category: Tools

Available from version: 1.0.41


Component for searching and deleting files and folder from disk.

Parametry konfiguracyjne
Parameter nameVersionDescriptionParameter typeDefault valueForm field typeUwagi i ograniczenia
Path relative to home directory*1.0.41Search starting point. Path relative to system home directory.String

\ (Windows)

/ (Linux)

Input field 
1.0.41Regex filename filter.
String Input field

Keep in mind that you have to escape special regex characters. Eg. searching for all files with ".docx" extension, filter value should be ".*\.docx" (backslash before literal dot character).


Special characters that need to be escaped with a backslash:

. + * ? ^ $ ( ) [ ] { } | \

Search in subdirectories*1.0.41

Search all subdirectories of "Path relative to home directory" for matching files and folders.

Boolean Dropdown list 

* - required

If a file cannot be deleted (eg. user has no rights to delete the file), application continues to run and remaining files are processed.

if both files within a directory and the directory itself meet filter criteria - application will remove files first and next if directory will be empty - it will be also removed.

Configuration example

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