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Basic info

Component ID in PWFL: upload-document-from-disk.dual

Category: Document

Available from version: 1.0.95

An application that transfers a file from the server's disk to the PlusWorkflow system. Document always added by the "admin" user
Configuration parameters
Parameter NameFrom versionDescriptionParameter typeDefault valueField typeComments and restricitons
Path type*1.0.137

Defines the path type that determines how and how many files are downloaded from the path on the server. There are two types to choose from:

  1. To file - allows you to download only one file.
  2. To directory - allows you to download more than one file.
TextFILEValue list
Displayed valuesPassed values
To fileFILE
To directoryDIRECTORY
File path*1.0.95Absolute path to a file located on the server (or a network resource to which the server has access) from the PlusWorkflow system.Text Editable fieldThe user on which the PlusWorkflow service is running must have read permissions for the specified file.
Directory path*1.0.137Absolute path to the directory located on the server with the PlusWorkflow system.Text Editable field 
File name filter1.0.137Filters file names based on the given regular expression.Text Editable field

The parameter left empty does not apply any filter, as a result of which every file is downloaded regardless of its name.

Regular expression examples:

  • .*pdf$

    An example of the correct file name: invoice_vat.pdf

  • ^settlement.*$

    An example of the correct file name: company_settlement_of.csv
Search subdirectories*1.0.137Specifies whether to include files in subdirectories. If the parameter is set to No, only files in the current directory will be considered.LogicalNoEditable field 
Class name*1.0.95List of available document classes.Text Value listClass permissions are not checked as the application adds the document as an administrator.
Index1.0.95Index name.Text Array Value listFor the list to appear, you must first set the "Class name" parameter
Index value1.0.95Value to be written to the selected index.Text Array Editable field 
Document description1.0.95Specifies a description of the document with which files will be added to the archive.Text Editable field 
Save as new version*1.0.95Save as a new version of the document if the index values match.LogicalNoEditable field 
Attach to the proces*1.0.95Attaches the document to the process.LogicalYesEditable field 
Execute actions on document class*1.0.95Execute the action set on the document class.LogicalYesEditable fieldIf the "Attach to the proces" parameter is marked, it will launch the "Add document action source from the archive level".
If the "Attach to the proces" parameter is selected, it will launch the "Add document action source from the process level".
Change log


  • Adding component


  • Adding parameters: Path type, Directory path, File name filter and Search subdirectories

  • No labels
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