Nazwa wtyczki | Data utworzenia | Data ostatniej aktualizacji | Link do instalki | Krótki opis | Dział utrzymujący | Dokumentacja dla klienta | Typ licencji | Typ wtyczki | Id wtyczki |
DS - AD datasource (Plus AD Data Source) |
2021-07-05 | 2024-11-13 | Link | Wtyczka zawiera implementację źródła danych operującego na usłudze katalogowej Active Directory. | Dev CUF | Płatna | Wtyczka | com.suncode.plugin-ad-datasources |
If you have trouble understanding how a data source works, see this page: Link
A plug-in includes an implementation of a data source that operates on the Active Directory directory service. To be able to use the plug-in, the system (Administration / System Configuration / LDAP Servers) must have a server connection configuration with Active Directory. The data source enables the operation of reading the attributes of objects located in the domain.
Parameter name | Description | Parameter type | Default value | Comments and restrictions | |||||||
Domain name | A name of the domain from which the data source reads data. | Text | Domain name list is limited to the number of configured domain servers on the system. | ||||||||
DN Path | A Distinguished Name (DN) path specifies the area in the DIT (Directory Information Tree) structure where domain objects reside. | Text | When creating the value of the path parameter, the individual components of the DIT should be separated with a comma and ordered from right to left. The components to the right of the DN are closest to the server naming context (e.g. DC=local, DC=com), and to the left are closest to the object entries (e.g. CN=Sales). | ||||||||
Import Filter | Allows to enter criteria to narrow down the search results for objects in the domain. Objects are selected on the basis of the entered attribute values of the objects in the filter. | Text | Filter syntax: (attribute operator value) Examples of use:
| ||||||||
[Import filter parameters] ID | An identifier of the input parameter to be substituted for the parameter name in the Import filter parameter. | text values array | |||||||||
[Import filter parameters] Name | A name of the input parameter that is substituted for the parameter name in the Import filter parameter. | Text values array | |||||||||
Array data separator | A delimiter is a sequence of characters used to separate items when an LDAP object attribute contains more than one value. | Text | <,> | ||||||||
[Definition of output parameters] Output parameter ID | An identifier for the output parameter. | Text values array |
| ||||||||
[Definition of output parameters] Output parameter name | A name of the output parameter as shown in the table on the system. | Text values array |
| ||||||||
[Definition of output parameters] Attribute | An attribute name of the domain object whose values will be mapped to the specified output parameter name. | Text values array |
| If a found object does not have the attribute defined in this parameter, then the appropriate cell in the table will be empty. |
Data from Active Directory:
Data source configuration:
Data source call result:
The data source allows to parameterize the import filter. Thanks to this, it is possible to define conditions in the filter based on the value of the variable / variables from the process.
To do this, in the Import filter parameter in the data source configuration, embed the Id of the output parameter in braces - {} - e.g. (&(objectClass=user) (!(ObjectClass={data})))
Then, in the Import filter parameters section in the data source configuration, add the parameter with Id "data".
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