MessageService allows to display animated messages for the form user. It has the following functions:
- show- shows the basic message in the form of an animated speech bubble at the top of the screen, the content and background are gray.
Function parameters:
Default value
Message content
conf(from 3.1.18)
Message window configuration.
- hideAfter(Number Type)
The time (in milliseconds) at which the message should disappear (default: 3000).
This time must be a positive number. If the value 0 is given, the parameter will take the default value.
- Function result: null
- showSuccess- shows a message in the form of an animated speech bubble at the top of the screen informing about success, content and background are green.
Function parameters:
Default value
Message content
conf (from 3.1.18)
Message window configuration.
- hideAfter (Number Type)
The time (in milliseconds) at which the message should disappear (default: 3000).
This time must be a positive number. If the value 0 is given, the parameter will take the default value.
- Function result: null
- showFailure- shows a message in the form of an animated speech bubble at the top of the screen informing about success, content and background are red.
Function parameters:
Default value
Message content
conf (from 3.1.18)
Message window configuration.
- hideAfter (Number Type)
The time (in milliseconds) at which the message should disappear (default: 3000).
This time must be a positive number. If the value 0 is given, the parameter will take the default value.
- Function result: null
- showConfirm - displays a message window that allows to select Yes or No.
Function parameters:
Default value
{ }
Configuration of the message window. The object has the following properties:
- title(String Type)
Window title (by default: '')
- message(String Type)
Message content (by default: '')
- scope(Object Type)
Scope for optional functions performed after clicking the button specified in the yes and no properties (by default: window)
- yes(Function Type)
Optional function performed after clicking the Yes button (by default: null)
- yesScope(Object Type)
Scope for the optional function performed after clicking the button specified in the yes property (by default: the value given in the property scope)
- yesParams(Object Type[])
An array specifying the parameters passed to the function specified in the property yes (by default: [])
- no(Function Type)
Optional function performed after clicking No button (by default: null)
- noScope(Object Type)
Scope for the optional function performed after clicking the button specified in the no property (by default: the value given in the property scope)
- noParams(Object Type[])
An array specifying the parameters passed to the function specified in the property no (by default: [])
- Function result: null
- showAlert - displays a message window (from 3.2.162). On the mobile version it is recommended to use this function instead of alert().
- Function parameters:
Name Type Default value
Description title String '' Window title content String '' Message content - Function result: null
- Function parameters: