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Eclipse installation

You should download the latest version of the Eclipse IDE for your operating system from the website::

Pay attention to the compatibility of Eclipse with Tomcat server - if you have an older version of Eclipse, you may face problems with the operation of the latest version of Tomcat server (whose installation is the next step).


Edit eclipse.ini file

Add data to the eclipse.ini file (located in the main folder with eclipse installed): Kowalski

Code editing settings


Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter:


Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates:



File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java



Installation in IntelliJ:

  1. Build the plusworkflow system using the Maven tool. The prettier dependency from the package.json file of the plusworkflow-web project will be automatically installed
  2. Install the Prettier plugin (File -> Settings -> Plugins).
  3. Change the settings of the Prettier plugin (File -> Settings -> Langugages & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Prettier):
    1. Set the prettier package in the Prettier package field (the package will appear there after step 1).
    2. In the Run for files field, paste "plusworkflow-web/src/main/frontend/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,vue}".
    3. Check the On 'Reformat Code' action and On save boxes.

Edit the settings.xml file

In order for maven to use our local repository, we need to modify the settings.xml file located in maven's home directory:

  • windows: C:/Documents and Settings/<username>/.m2

  • unix: /home/<username>/.m2


In order for maven to use our local repository, we need to modify the settings.xml file located in maven's home directory:

  • windows: C:/Documents and Settings/<nazwa użytkownika>/.m2
  • unix: /home/<nazwa użytkownika>/.m2

    If the settings.xml file does not exist, create it.

The recommended configuration is to use the Suncode repository as a mirror of all repositories, so that all artifacts are downloaded from our local repository:



If you often work remotely, it's a good idea to just add a new known repository, so you can still download artifacts from other repositories if you're not connected to Suncode VPN.



When working with the project from outside the company network (without VPN) in the settings.xml file as the address of the system repository instead of the address should be provided:

Installation of the necessary plugins

You need to download 3 plugins from nexus: cuf-components, PWE, DBexplorer. These are some of the most commonly used plugins.

Home directory

You need to download a zip of the home directory(unfortunately it is too big to upload here, you can take from another developer).

Then create a '' file in the project in plusworkflow-web/src/main/resources. This file will indicate the path to your home directory.




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