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If you have a problem understanding how the action works, check: ActionConditional ExecutionComponents parameters.

Basic information

Category: Table

Action location: Table, Table button

Available from version: 1.0.0


The action enables importing data from an excel file to a dynamic table. The action configuration allows you to specify which columns are to be moved and it is possible to filter them. Filtering can only be done on columns that are imported. If you place an action on a dynamic table, the action creates an import button.

Action call-up

Leaving an empty conditional field is equal to setting it to "true".

Action location

Conditional execution parameter action

Action call-up condition


Activates the button

Pressing button

Table button

Activates the button

Pressing button

Configuration parameters

Parameter name

From version


Paremeter type

Default value

Field type

Comments and restrictions

Filter columns*


Columns that will be included in the given filtering

Array of variables


Editable field


Filter Type1.0.0 An array of text values Drop-down listAvailable filtering: ==,! =, <,>, <=,> =
Filter Value1.0.0This function is a prerequisite for blocking / unblocking specific fields in a given row based on values from other fields. The function can use the context variable "Selected row".An array of functions Editable fieldAppears only when you place the action on a dynamic table. Only accepts functions returning a boolean value.
Columns to import1.0.0Imports only specified columns (if none are provided - imports all)Array of variables Editable field 
Checkbox "Clear"*1.0.4The parameter determines whether a checkbox should appear in the import window with the option to clear the table before importing.BooleanYesEditable field 
Import hidden columns1.0.40It allows you to import hidden columns that are hidden in a dynamic table in a given task.BooleanNoEditable field 
Auto-complete dynamic lists*1.0.52Allows you to enable auto-mapping for all lists, for selected ones and disable for all.TextENABLE_ALLDrop-down list

To choose from:

Display valueValue transmitted
Enable for everyoneENABLE_ALL
Custom enableENABLE_CUSTOM
Disable for everyoneDISABLE_ALL
Dynamic lists1.0.52The parameter specifies for which dynamic lists auto-mapping should be enabled.Array of variables Editable fieldThe parameter appears for the parameter "Auto-complete dynamic lists" on "Enable for selected"
Form save*1.0.69Specifies whether to save the form after downloading the data to the tableBoolean Editable field 
Accept the job after loading the data1.0.100 BooleanNoEditable field 
Action name1.0.100Accept button identifier on the formText Editable field 

Parameter*- mandatory field

Configuration example

For table:

For table button:

Change log


  • Adding a component


  • Addition of the "Clear" Checkbox parameter


  • Allow you to import hidden columns


  • Filtering fix


  • Added the AutoComplete dynamic list parameter


  • Adding the option of placing the action on the table button


  • It is possible to set whether the data should be saved after downloading


  • Adjusting action to the new builder
  • Option to accept a task after import has been added

  • No labels
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