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If you have trouble understanding how the action works, check the descriptions: Action, Conditional execution, Component parameters

Basic information

Category: Currency

Action location: Table, Table button, Form button

Available from version: 1.0.X


The action collects the value of PLN exchange rate for each row. Additionally, they can save the table number and / or the table symbol taken from the NBP. Data are downloaded directly from the NBP website. The component starts up changing the column value given above in the parameters "Currency code" and "Date of exchange rate".

Configuration parameters
Name of the parameterFrom versionDescriptionParameter typeDefault valueField typeNotes and restrictions
Currency code*1.0.81 Column containing currency codes in ISO format (currency codes are available on the NBP)website), e.g. EUR, USDAn array of text variables Editable field 
Date of exchange rate*1.0.81 Column in the table with the date of the exchange rateAn array of date variables Editable field 
Exchange rate*1.0.81 A column in the table to save the course valueAn array of floating point variables Editable field 
Table number1.0.81 Column for entering the table number from which the  exchange ratewas takenAn array of text variables Editable field 
Table type 1.0.81 Column for writing the table type from which the  exchange ratewas takenAn array of text variables Editable field 
Line condition1.0.81 The function called for each line. The type of function being returned is logicalFunction Editable fieldPossibility of using the tabular variable "Row index"
Day shift*1.0.106Modify the date of downloading the course (adds / subtracts the number of days from the given date)Integer Editable fieldModifies the date of downloading the courses for all the rows in the table

When the date is set to 07/21/2021 and the parameter is set to -1, the exchange rate date will be checked for 07/20/2021

Effective date

1.0.162; 1.1.8


Effective date the request has been made for.Text variable   
NBP Bank timezone1.0.135Use polish NBP Bank timezone instead of a server timezone.BooleanNoDropdown listRemoved in version 1.0.153
Dynamic table ID1.0.138Specifies the table that will have exchange rates updated.Text Editable fieldThe parameter is visible and mandatory only when the action is placed on the form button.

Parameter*- required field

Sample configuration

Change log

 1.0.81 (applicable documentation)

  • Adding component


  • Adding a comment in the popup in case of an error


  • Adding day shift parameter

1.0.135 (applicable documentation)

  • Added "NBP Bank timezone" parameter


  • Allowing the action to be placed on the table button and form button. Adding the "Dynamic Table ID" parameter


  • Removed "NBP Bank timezone" parameter
  • Logging ActivityId



  • Possibility to set effective exchange date variable.

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. przykład sprawdzenia w przeglądarce czy u klienta pobiera się kurs EUR z danego zakresu (w poniższych przypadku data od i do jest taka sama ustawiona):

    jak nie znajdzie w tabeli A to szuka w tabeli B:


    Na linuxie można skorzystać z polecenia curl w konsoli, czyli



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