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DS - SAP datasources
(Plus SAP Data Source)
2020-10-26 2024-11-13 Link Źródło danych służące do wymiany informacji między systemem PlusWorkflow a systemem SAP. Dev CUF Płatna Wtyczka com.suncode.plugin-sap-datasources


Instructions for creating data sources in the system -


Data source for information exchange between the PlusWorkflow system and the SAP system.

Configuration required

Before uploading to the server, upload the files from the directory to:

Windows: sapcjo3.dll windows/system32

Linux: server/lib

Tomcat: sapjco3.jar server/lib

Then restart the server and upload the plug






ParameterDescriptionDefault valueTypeComments
AuthorizationAuthorization template saved Selection list
List of previously prepared configuration of connections to SAP. For more information, see [SAPDS] Szablony autoryzacji
FunctionThe name of the BAPI function being called 
Next to the parameter, there is a button that allows you to check whether a given function exists in a given SAP connection
Cache time [Seconds]The time the results are stored in the server's memory for the same calling parameters. Time is counted in seconds 30NumberThe longer the time, the less frequently it will poll the SAP server. Useful when using pagination in DC or for SAPA data that rarely changes.
Parameter loggingIt displays in the logs additional parameters with which the function was called. And it displays the results of this function 
Input parameters idUnique identifier for the parameter 
The mark cannot be used. (dots)
Input parameters nameDisplay name of the input parameter 
BAPI parameter nameThe name of the input parameter of the function from the BAPI. 
When the parameter is in the structure or in the array, the name of the structure / parameter should be given with a dot and then the target parameter, e.g. DOCUMENT_HEADER.NR_DOK (When calling the data source, the array parameters are given as text separated by a semicolon)
Output parameters idUnique identifier for the parameter 
The mark cannot be used. (dots)
Output parameters name
Display name of the output parameter

'XPath' type path to the node whose value is to be read.

XPath tutorial

For example, to read an array value, enter "// TABLE NAME // PARAM"
Sample configuration


Configuration examples::

Source configurationSample documentationScreenshot






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