Validators completed
Name | Category | Avalable from version | Description | Tags |
Checking the existence of a user | User | 1.0.6 | The validator, based on the given login, searches the user and saves the defined information about its existence / non-existence to the given variable.> Detailed description < |
Validation of the role held by the user | User | 1.0.1 | On the basis of login and role id from the process, the validator determines whether the user has the given role. |
Validation of connecting documents | Documents | 1.0.3 | Checks whether the document / s has been connected according to the rules defined by the parameters. |
Validation based on the logical result of the function | General | 1.0.0 1.0.10 | Accepts the result of the function given in the parameter that evaluates the data in terms of regularity. If the logic function returns the truth, the validator continues. If it returns false, it will show a note. |
Validation of process uniqueness | General | 1.0.5 | Based on the set of variables, it checks if there are already other processes in the system containing the same values stored by these variables. |
Validation of process documents | Document | 1.0.7 | Verifies the given conditions and displays the appropriate note if the verification was unsuccessful. |
Validation of the comment to the task | Comments | 1.0.13 | Displays a window with the option of adding a comment in the lack of a comment from the user |
Validation of data from the form in the database | Database | 1.0.14 | The validator checks the existence of an entry in the database (eg it can check if there is a user with a given id). Next, it checks whether the entry has the same values that are on the form (you can decide for yourself which values to compare). |