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If you have trouble understanding how the action works, check the descriptions: DatachooserConditional executionComponents parameters

Basic information

Category: General

Available from version: 1.0.17


A dynamic list that retrieves user data based on the login, such as: name (firstname), lastname (lastname), email (email), full name (fullname), number (number) and additional data specified in the Data type parameter (on based on which the number of rows is calculated.) The dynamic list also has the ability to sort by selected column (Descending / Ascending), as well as filter results by selected columns (mappings)

Configuration parameters

Parameter name

From version


Paremeter type

Default value

Field type

Comments and restrictions

User login


Login of the user whose data we collect



Editable field


Data Type1.0.17For the user, we can download information about groups (positions). Depending on our selection, the number of rows shown will depend on the number of user groups or the number of items.Text Drop-down list
Visible valueValue transmitted
Query Parameters1.0.23Filter by selected columnsAn array of text values Drop-down listList mappings. The value passed in the parameter is the mapping name.
Types of query parameters1.0.23 Sort by selected columnText Drop-down list

List mappings. The value passed in the parameter is the mapping name.

Column names *1.0.23Sorting direction selection list by selected columnText Drop-down list

To choose from:

ASC - ascending

DESC - descending

Mappping nameFrom versionDescription
firstName1.0.17User name
lastName1.0.17User surname
email1.0.17User email
fullname1.0.17User fullname
number1.0.17User number
groupname1.0.17User group
positionname1.0.17User position
positionoussymbol1.0.17User organizational unit symbol
positionssymbol1.0.17User position symbol
superiorUsername1.0.24Superior user name
superiorFullname1.0.24Superior full name
Configuration example


Change log


  • Adding a component


  • Add parameters: Filter by, Sort by, Sort direction


  • Addition of data regarding superiors


  • Improved translation

  • No labels
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