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If you have a problem understanding how the action works, check: ActionConditional ExecutionComponents parameters.

Basic information

Category: Appearance

Action location: Form

Available from version: 1.0.64


The action allows to set the header style and / or its values. The action provides two types of configuration: simple - where we modify predefined parameters - and advanced - where we can put our css code.

Action call-up

Leaving an empty conditional field is equal to setting it to "true".

Action location

Conditional execution parameter action

Action call-up condition


Call-up action

The "Conditional execution" parameter will return "true"

Configuration parameters

Parameter name


Paremeter type

Default value

Field type

Comments and restrictions


Variables that the style will be applied to

Array of variables


Editable field

Place of application of styleSpecifies where the style will be appliedText Drop-down list
Displayed ValueValue transmitted
Field and labelFIELDLABEL
Configuration modeSpecifies whether we want to use a simple or advanced configurationTextBASICDrop-down list
Displayed ValueValue transmitted
Basic modeBASIC
Advanced modeADVANCED
Font sizeChanges the font sizeInteger12Editable fieldNot more than 30, not less than 6
Font colorChanges the font colorText#000000Color formatterThe color is transmitted in #XXXXXX format, where X is 0-9 or A-F
Colour of backgroundChanges the background colorText#000000Color formatterThe color is transmitted in #XXXXXX format, where X is 0-9 or A-F
BoldBolds the textBooleanNoEditable field 
ItalicsSets italic textBooleanNoEditable field 
CSS styleCSS style in html form, e.g. "font-size": "14px", "color": "red"Text Editable field 
Restore default styleIf the condition is not met, it restores the system style. (from v 1.0.103BooleanYesEditable fieldIn the case of several actions on one object, it is recommended to uncheck the parameter.

Parameter*- mandatory field

Configuration example



Change log


  • Adding a component


  • Added "Restore default style" parameter




  • No labels
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