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Replacement of LinkTable class with Link class

As of version 4.0.23 of the system, the LinkTable class has been removed and replaced by the Link class. Both classes represent objects in the pm_links table. In order to customize functions that use the removed LinkTable class, replace any references to the LinkTable class with references to the Link class.

The following table shows the differences in the class definition:

Type and name of field in LinkTable class

Type and name of field in Link class

Column name in the pl_links table

String linkNameString namelinkname
String linkDescriptionString descriptionlinkdescription

In addition, version 4.0.23 removed all methods that operate on objects of the LinkTable class. These methods have been replaced by methods from Spring's LinkService component.

The following table contains information about the differences in methods operating on objects of the class:

Method related to objects of LinkTable classMethod related to objects of Link class
long DBManagement.addLink(LinkTable linkTable)
long LinkService.addLink(Link link)
long DBManagement.changeLink(LinkTable linkTable)
long LinkService.changeLink(Link link)
ArrayList DBManagement.GetAllLinks()
List<Link> LinkService.getAll(String... joins)
LinkTable DBManagement.getLink(String id)
Link LinkService.getLink(Long linkId, String... joins )
LinkTable DBManagement.getLinkByName(String sLinkName)
Link LinkService.getByName(String linkName, String... joins )
void DBManagement.deleteLink(String id)
void LinkService.deleteLink(Long linkId)

Replacing the LinkIndexTable class with the LinkIndex class

Since version 4.0.23 of the system, the LinkIndexTable class has been removed and replaced by the LinkIndex class. Both classes represent objects from the pm_linkindecies table. To customize functions that use the deleted LinkIndexTable class, replace any references to the LinkIndexTable class with references to the LinkIndex class.

The following table contains information about the differences in the class definition:

Type and name of field in LinkIndex Table class

Type and name of field in LinkIndex class

Column name in the pm_linkindecies table
Long linkIdLink linklinkid
String indexNameString nameindexname
String indexDescriptionString descriptionindexdescription
String indexTypeString typeindextype
String indexValuesString valuesindexvalues
Long indexOrderLong orderindexorder

In addition, version 4.0.23 removed all methods that operate on objects of the LinkIndexTable class. These methods have been replaced by methods from Spring's LinkService component.

The following table contains information about the differences in methods operating on objects of the class:

Method related to objects of LinkIndexTable classMethod related to objects of LinkIndex classComments
long DBManagement.addLinkIndex(LinkIndexTable linkIndexTable)
Long LinkService.addLinkIndex(LinkIndex linkIndex)
long DBManagement.changeLinkIndex(LinkIndexTable linkIndexTable)
void LinkService.updateLinkIndex(LinkIndex index)
ArrayList DBManagement.GetAllLinkIndecies(String linkId)
List<LinkIndex> LinkService.getLinkIndicesForLink(Long linkId)
LinkIndexTable DBManagement.getLinkIndex(String id)
LinkIndex LinkService.getLinkIndex(Long id)
LinkIndexTable DBManagement.getLinkIndexByName(String sLinkId, String sLinkIndexName)
Optional<LinkIndex> LinkService.getLinkIndexByName(Long linkId, String indexName)
If an index with the specified name does not exist in the indicated document set, an empty Optional is returned.
void DBManagement.deleteIndeciesForLink(Session session, String linkId)
No single analogous method.

It is possible to achieve the same effect with the following code:

LinkService linkService = SpringContext.getBean( LinkService.class );
	.forEach( linkIndex -> linkService.deleteLinkIndex( linkIndex.getId() ) );
void DBManagement.deleteIndeciesForLink(String linkId)
No single analogous method.

It is possible to achieve the same effect with the following code:

LinkService linkService = SpringContext.getBean( LinkService.class );
	.forEach( linkIndex -> linkService.deleteLinkIndex( linkIndex.getId() ) );
void DBManagement.deleteLinkIndex(String id)
void LinkService.deleteLinkIndex(Long linkIndexId)

Replacing the LinkConnectionTable class with the LinkConnection class

From version 4.0.23 of the system, the LinkConnectionTable class has been removed in its entirety and replaced by the LinkConnection class. Both classes represent objects from the pm_linkconnection table. To customize functions that use the deleted LinkConnectionTable class, replace any references to the LinkConnectionTable class with references to the LinkConnection class.

The following table shows the differences in the class definition:

Method related to objects of  LinkConnectionTable classMethod related to objects of  LinkConnection classColumn name in the pm_linkconnection
Long linkIdLink linklinkid
Long linkIndexIdLinkIndex linkIndexlinkindexid
Long docClassIdDocumentClass documentClassdocclassid
Long indexIdDocumentClassIndex documentClassIndexindexid
String linkIndexNamebraknie dotyczy
String docClassNamebraknie dotyczy
String indexNamebraknie dotyczy

In addition, version 4.0.23 removed all methods that operate on objects of the LinkConnectionTable class. These methods have been replaced by methods from Spring's LinkService component.

The following table provides information about the differences in methods operating on class objects:

Method related to objects of LinkConnectionTable classMethod related to objects of LinkConnection classComments
long DBManagement.addLinkConnection(LinkConnectionTable LinkConnectionTable)
long LinkService.addLinkConnection(long linkId, long linkIndexId, long docClassId, docClassIndexId)
Instead of creating an object of the LinkConnection class, it is enough to provide the id of the linked set, the index of the set, the class and the index of the document class.
long DBManagement.changeLinkConnection(LinkConnectionTable LinkConnectionTable)

No single analogous method.

ArrayList DBManagement.GetAllLinkConnections()

No single analogous method.

List<LinkConnection> DBManagement.getAllLinkConnectionForLink(String linkId)
List<LinkConnection> LinkService.getLinkConnectionsForLink(Long linkId, String... joins)
LinkConnectionTable DBManagement.getLinkConnection(String id)

No single analogous method.

LinkConnectionTable DBManagement.getLinkConnectionByName(String sLinkConnectionName)
No single analogous method. 
ArrayList DBManagement.getLinkConnectionByLinkIndex(String linkIndexId)
List<LinkConnection> LinkService.getLinkConnectionsForLinkIndex(Long linkIndexId, String... joins)
List<LinkConnectionTable> DBManagement.getLinkConnectionByDocumentClassIndex(String indexId)
List<LinkConnection> LinkService.getLinkConnectionsForDocClassIndex(Long docClassIndexId, String... joins)
void DBManagement.deleteLinkConnection(String id)
void LinkService.deleteLinkConnection(long linkConnectionId)
void DBManagement.deleteConnectionsForLink(Session session, String linkId)

No single analogous method.

It is possible to achieve the same effect with the following code:

LinkService linkService = SpringContext.getBean( LinkService.class );
	.forEach( linkConnection -> linkService.deleteLinkConnection(linkConnection.getId()));
void DBManagement.deleteConnectionsForLink(String linkId)

No single analogous method.

It is possible to achieve the same effect with the following code:

LinkService linkService = SpringContext.getBean( LinkService.class );
	.forEach( linkConnection -> linkService.deleteLinkConnection(linkConnection.getId()));
void DBManagement.deleteLinkConnectionForDocClass(Session session, String docclassId)

No single analogous method.


void DBManagement.deleteLinkConnectionForDocClass(String docclassId)

No single analogous method.


void DBManagement.deleteLinkConnectionForLinkIndex(Session session, String linkIndexId
No single analogous method.

It is possible to achieve the same effect with the following code:

LinkService linkService = SpringContext.getBean( LinkService.class );
	.forEach( linkConnection -> linkService.deleteLinkConnection(linkConnection.getId()));
void DBManagement.deleteLinkConnectionForLinkIndex(String linkIndexId)
No single analogous method.

It is possible to achieve the same effect with the following code:

LinkService linkService = SpringContext.getBean( LinkService.class );
	.forEach( linkConnection -> linkService.deleteLinkConnection(linkConnection.getId()));

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