The functionality can be found in Administration -> System Configuration -> Translations tab and allows to manage three types of translations:
- System translations - translations of user interface elements, e.g. names of buttons, tabs, messages, etc.
- Config translations - translations of elements defined in the system, e.g. names and descriptions of document classes, indexes, organizational units, views, etc.
- Custom translations - other translations that are not included in system translations, config translations and xpdl translations.
After selecting the translation type, you can select the language. Default and custom translations for selected language will appear. Available languages are defined in the SupportedLanguages system parameter.
Searching for translations
System translations
Translations view is divided into two sections: Default translations and Custom translations. In order to find the translation to overwrite, you can use one of auxiliary filters that narrow down translation list:
- Select sources - multi-select combobox containing sources of translations, i.e. name of the plugin or system (plusworkflow).
- Filter keys - dynamic search bar allowing to search by keys of default and custom translations.
- Filter default/custom translations - dynamic search bar allowing to search by values of default and custom translations.
Config elements
Translations view is divided into two sections: Default translations and Custom translations. In order to find the translation to overwrite, you can use one of auxiliary filters that narrow down translation list:
- Select sources - multi-select combobox containing sources of translations, i.e.. config element types. The list of config element types available for translating can be found in section Typy elementów konfiguracyjnych dostępne do tłumaczenia.
- Filter keys - dynamic search bar allowing to search by keys of default and custom translations.
- Filter default/custom translations - dynamic search bar allowing to search by values of default and custom translations.
Only non-empty config element fields can be translated. If, for example the description of a document class is empty, the description will not appear on the list of default translations available for translating.
Custom translations
Translations view is divided into two sections: New translation and Custom translations. In order to find existing custom translation, you can use one of auxiliary filters that narrow down translation list:
- Filter keys - dynamic search bar allowing to search by keys of custom translations.
- Filter custom translations - dynamic search bar allowing to search by values of custom translations..
Modifying translations
System translations
In order to overwrite default system translations you need to do the following:
- Select tab with the language.
- Find default translation that you want to overwrite.
- Move it to section Custom translations by clicking arrows next to default translations.
- Enter custom translations.
- Save changes by clicking Save translations button.
It is also possible to modify or delete overwritten translations. Added and modified translations are highlighted in green until they are saved in the database.
Clicking Restore default button will remove all overwritten translations within the selected source filters.
It is also possible to move filtered translations in bulk by clicking the arrow located at the filter level (from version 4.0.45).
Config elements
In order to overwrite default config element translations you need to do the following:
- Select tab with the language.
- Find default translation that you want to overwrite.
- Move it to section Custom translations by clicking arrows next to default translations.
- Enter custom translations.
- Save changes by clicking Save translations button.
It is also possible to modify or delete overwritten translations. Added and modified translations are highlighted in green until they are saved in the database.
No server restart is required after saving - the changes will take effect after refreshing the page.
Clicking Restore default button will remove all overwritten translations within the selected source filters.
It is also possible to move filtered translations in bulk by clicking the arrow located at the filter level (from version 4.0.45).
Custom translations
In order to add custom translations you need to do the following:
- Select tab with the language.
- Enter a key and a value in form fields in New translation section.
- Add custom translation to Custom translations section by clicking plus button next to form.
- Save changes by clicking Save translations button.
It is also possible to modify or delete overwritten translations. Added and modified translations are highlighted in green until they are saved in the database.
No server restart is required after saving - the changes will take effect after refreshing the page.
Clicking Restore default button will remove all custom translations.
Config element types available for translating
Following table contains config element types and fields available for translating in the system:
Config element type | Field |
Document classes | Name |
Description | |
Document class indexes | Name |
Description | |
Views | Name |
Description | |
Document sets | Name |
Description | |
Document set indexes | Name |
Description | |
Positions | Name |
Organizational units | Name |
Reports | Nazwa |
Description | |
Password policy | Name |
Scheduled task categories | Name |
Process abbreviations | Abbreviation |