Downloading the list of users
Path to servlet: api/users/query
Method: GET
- query - a phrase on the basis of which the results will be filtered. Filtering applies to the login, first and last name of users.
Except that the given phrase matches the first name and last name values from the beginning. On the other hand, it looks for the phrase anywhere in the login field, which also contains the domain value. - start - the offset in the result set
- limit - the maximum number of returned results
- The answer contains an object storing the total number of results in the total field, and a list of users in the data field.
{ "total":3, "data":[ { "userName":"admin", "objectId":1000036, "firstName":"Default User", "lastName":"", "email":"", "active":true, "number":"122", "positions":null, "groups":null, "fullName":"Default User " }, { "userName":"afd", "objectId":1001001, "firstName":"fdsfasd", "lastName":"sdfs", "email":"", "active":true, "positions":null, "number":"124", "groups":null, "fullName":"fdsfasd sdfs" } ] }
Downloading the list of users by roles
Path to servlet: api/users/by/roles
Method: POST
Request Content-Type: application/json
Query Content:
JSON object list containing role search parameters. The object definition should contain the following field:
- packageId - Id of the package in which roles will be searched.
- processDefId - Id of the process in which the roles will be searched for
- roleIds - List id of roles(text id).
All parameters are optional. If you specify processDefId then the global roles used in this process will also be searched. Conditions within a single element are connected by the AND operator(e.g. if we specify packegeId and processDefId). On the other hand, the conditions of individual elements in the list of conditions are connected by the OR operator, e.g:
[ //Query finds users with the role participant_1 from the suncode_api package from the form entry process //and users with the role participant_3 from the suncode_api package from the invoice process { "processDefId":"zapisformularza", "packageId":"suncode_api", "roleIds":[ "uczestnik_1" ] }, { "processDefId":"faktury", "packageId":"suncode_api", "roleIds":[ "uczestnik_3" ] } ]
- The answer contains a list of users
[ { "userName":"admin", "objectId":1000036, "firstName":"Default User", "lastName":"", "email":"", "active":true, "positions":null, "groups":null, "number":"123", "fullName":"Default User " }, { "userName":"afd", "objectId":1001001, "firstName":"fdsfasd", "lastName":"sdfs", "email":"", "active":true, "number":"124", "positions":null, "groups":null, "fullName":"fdsfasd sdfs" } ]
Getting user information by login
Path to servlet: api/users/by/login
Method: GET
- username - login of the requested user
- The response returns a UserInfo object with information about the user
{ "userName": "admin", "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "PlusWorkflow", "fullName": "Administrator PlusWorkflow", "email": "", "number": "", "groups": null, "positions": null }
Getting information about the currently logged in user
Path to servlet: api/users/current
Method: GET
- The response returns a UserInfo object with information about the logged in user
{ "userName": "admin", "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "PlusWorkflow", "fullName": "Administrator PlusWorkflow", "email": "", "number": "", "groups": [ { "name": "Administrators" } ], "positions": [] }