Package management is located in the tab Administration -> Document workflow -> Packages
At this point, we can easily manage all loaded versions of packages along with the processes that have been created in them.
After entering the tab, we get the following view:
Figure 5.1.1. View of Packages tab
It presents loaded packages in the tree on the left. On the right side there is a form for loading a new package. After expanding the list, select the appropriate package and then press the "Load package" button. The list contains all packages that are in the path defined in the configuration file under the parameter "EXTERNAL_PACKAGES_REPOSITORY".
After selecting a package from the tree, new buttons will appear on the beam on the right.
Figure 5.1.2. View of new buttons for managing packages
- Refresh package - loads the latest version of the package based on the map file.
- Unload unused packages - all versions of packages that do not have any process instances are unloaded.
- Refresh the package cache
- Check the difference between packages - two selected versions of the same package are compared. In the results we get all the differences between the given versions. After pressing this button, the following window will appear:
Figure 5.1.3 Check differences window
In the window, select the package versions that you want to compare. The results of the comparison will be presented in the following form:
Figure 5.1.4. Window containing changes between versions
In the results we can see that the in "status_poda" process added the "status_taxpayer_vat_comment" task and that the task for id "task_1" has new attributes. In addition, the process has a new variable - "control_variable".
The next thing we can do is to develop the selected package. All loaded versions of the package will be displayed. Selecting a specific version on the right will show a table containing all created instances of processes.
Figure 5.1.5 View of process instances
The table contains the following information about the processes:
- Id - id procesu,
- Name – proces name,
- Status - determines whether the process has already been completed or not yet,
- Created - the date the process was created,
- Launched - the date the process started,
- Recent activity - last activity in the process,
- History - a button that opens the details of the process.
It is possible to filter the data contained in the table (from version: 3.1.x).
Figure 5.1.6View of process instances after filtering 1
Figure 5.1.7View of process instances after filtering 2
Columns that can be filtered:
- Id
- Name
- Condition
When any filter is turned on, you can not raise all processes. ('Lift All' button is inactive).
The buttons placed on the bottom bar of the table are responsible for the following actions:
- Lift - moves the selected processes to a different, selected version of the package,
- Lift all- moves all visible processes to a different, selected version of the package,
- Select all - selects all visible processes,
- Deselect all - deselects all visible processes,
- Delete selected - deletes all selected processes. This action is irreversible.
Moving processes can be done when we have improved something in the latest version of the package and we want the previous processes to behave according to new assumptions. The system does not allow the transfer of processes if the differences between the versions of the package could damage them.
Please note that any transfer of processes is not recommended. For some differences between versions it is better to avoid it. This is described in detail in Raising processes to newer package versions.
When we choose the option of raising process, we will get a window in which we will be able to choose the version to which we want to transfer our process. After confirmation, if the package versions do not have any differences, the process will be moved immediately. Otherwise, a window will appear telling you about the differences between the versions. We will be able to decide if we want to transfer the process. If so, just click "Ok".
Figure 5.1.8. View of the process lift window
Above the table is the "Unload a package" button. It allows you to unload this version of the package from the system. It is only available if the package does not have any processes.