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If you have trouble understanding how the action works, check the descriptions: Application, Setter, Conditional execution, Component parameters

Basic information


Action location:

Available from version:



Configuration parameters
Name of the parameterParameter typeDescriptionNotes and restrictions
Domain name*TextDomain we are trying to connect to. 
Base DN*TextA Distinguished Name (DN) represents a signle object or whole container in hierarchical directory, at which the DN is written from lower to higher hierarchical levels from left to right e.g. CN=John Smith, OU=consultants. The DC values (Domain Component) have to be skipped in this parameter. 
Import filter*TextImport filter allows to enter criteria to narrow down the search results for objects in the domain. Objects are selected based on the entered attribute values of the objects in the filter

Filter syntax:

(attribute operator value)



  • cn (user common name),
  • sn (surname),
  • telephoneNumber,
  • l (localization),
  • objectCategory,
  • objectClass.



  • = (Equality),
  • \>= (Greater than or equal to),
  • <= (Less than or equal to),
  • =* (Presence),
  • ~= (Approximate),
  • & (AND),
  • | (OR),
  • ! (NOT).


Przykłady użycia:

  • (cn=John Smith) returns object, which common name "John Smith",
  • (ObjectClass=*) returns all objects,
  • (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(cn=John Smith))) zwraca wszystkich użytkowników oprócz użytkownika "Jan Nowak",
  • (sn=sm*) returns all objects with a surname that starts with "sm",
  • (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=contact)(|(sn=Nowak)(sn=Kowalski))) returns all contacts with a surname equal to "Smith" or "Johnson".
Default group*TextName of the group to which the users will be assgned if the Add to default group parameter is set to true 
Add to default group*TextDetermines if users have to be added to the specified default group.Enter a boolean value of true or false in the field.
Add to LDAP group*TextUsers will be assigned to the groups on the system that are assigned to them on the LDAP server.Enter a boolean value of true or false in the field.
Create unexisted groups*TextDetermines whether to create groups in the system to which the users imported from the LDAP server belong to. If the option is set to false, the user will be added to the default group if there is no group in the systemEnter a boolean value of true or false in the field.
Synchronize*TextSpecifies if the data on the LDAP server should also be changed on the system after updating. Data update concerns adding, deleting or modifying a user.Enter a boolean value of true or false in the field.
Deactivation of users in selected groups*TextIt allows the deactivation of users in the system belonging to at least one of the groups listed in this parameter. This parameter is important only when the Synchronize parameter is set to true. If there are users in the system that do not exist any longer on the LDAP server, then after running a scheduled task with set synchronization and no indication of user groups to which these users belong, they will not be removed from the system.Enter group names after the semicolon.
Default user*TextDetermining to which user will be assigned substitutions, reports, tasks, views of the deactivated user. If the <superior> value is specified, the user's bindings will be transferred to his superiors, and if the user has no defined superiors, the bindings will go to the system administrator. If the field is left blank, the connections will go to the system administrator. 
Excluded groups*TextGroup names from which a user cannot be removed, even if he is no longer assigned to such a group on the LDAP server. This parameter is relevant only when the Synchronize parameter is set to true.Enter group names after the semicolon.
Skip substitutions*TextSpecifies whether to skip rewriting tasks to substitutes when deactivating users.Enter a boolean value of true or false in the field.
Skip notifications*TextSpecifies whether to skip sending notifications for rewritten tasks  when deactivating users.Enter a boolean value of true or false in the field.

Parameter*- required field

Sample configuration

Sample configuration

A sample configuration of the LDAP server in the system that allows to perform a scheduled task with completed parameters as above looks as follows

  • No labels