If you have trouble understanding how an automated task works, check the descriptions: Automated Task,, Conditional Execution, Component Parameters
Basic info
Category: Plus Santander integrator
Available from version: 1.0.0
This component generates a file for foreign transfers in MT103 format. The generated file is automatically attached to the process. This file is compatible with the Santander bank.
Configuration parameters
Parameter Name | From version | Description | Parameter type | Default value | Comments and restricitons |
Document class* | 1.0.1 | The name of the document class to which the generated file will be added. | String | ||
Name of the document* | 1.0.1 | The name of the generated document | String | ||
References* | 1.0.1 | A principal reference assigned during the file creation process that distinguishes a given transfer file. | String | ||
Originating party's bank | 1.0.1 | SWIFT code of the payer's bank. | String | ||
Principal's name and address* | 1.0.1 | Address details | String | ||
Payer's bank account number* | 1.0.1 | SWIFT code of the ordering party's bank (or the unit number in the KIR format) | String array | Array parameters should have the same length. The number of rows corresponds to the number of transactions in the file | |
Beneficiary Party Bank* | 1.0.1 | SWIFT code of the ordering bank | String array | ||
Principal's reference | 1.0.1 | Transaction reference, max 16 characters | String array | ||
1.0.1 | Date of order execution | Date array | |||
Currency code* | 1.0.1 | ISO currency code for the transaction amount | String array | ||
Amount * | 1.0.1 | Transaction Amount. Value with 2 decimal places, separated by "," (comma; HEX 2C). Values for: import and export - MA amount of the transaction. If in the import options "keep MA amount and recalculate NP amount" is selected, the amount is saved in the transaction as MA amount, NP amount will be recalculated according to the current exchange rate table. | Float array | ||
Principal's name and address* | 1.0.1 | Address data stored in rows | String array | ||
The principal's account* | 1.0.1 | Account number of the payer in IBAN or NRB format | String array | ||
Account for fees (costs) | 1.0.1 | Account number in IBAN or NRB format for debiting costs and commissions, for the EN account only | String array | ||
Basic currency code* | 1.0.1 | ISO currency code for the base transaction amount. | String array | ||
Base currency amount* | 1.0.1 | Transaction amount in base currency. Value with 2 decimal places separated by "," (comma; HEX 2C). | Float array | ||
Beneficiary country code* | 1.0.1 | ISO code of the beneficiary country - country symbol from the country dictionary. | String array | ||
Beneficiary bank country code | 1.0.1 | ISO country code of the beneficiary bank - country symbol from the country dictionary. | String array | ||
Name and address of the beneficiary's bank | 1.0.1 | Address data of the beneficiary bank stored in lines, separated by the end-of-line character. | String array | ||
Beneficiary's account number* | 1.0.1 | Beneficiary account number in IBAN or other format (if the beneficiary bank's country is not on the list of countries with IBAN). | String array | ||
Beneficiary's name and address * | 1.0.1 | Beneficiary address data stored in lines, separated by the end-of-line character. | String array | ||
Payment Details* | 1.0.1 | Transaction title stored in lines, separated by end-of-line character. Values for: import and export - title from transaction parameters. | String array | ||
Clearing transaction costs.* | 1.0.1 | Value available: BEN,OUR,SHA. BEN - Beneficiary, OUR - Sender, SHA - Shared | String array |
Sample configuration
Example MT103 file
Example of transfer file in PLA format with header and data:
:01:28700058100908 :02:99,00 :03:2 :04:WBKPPLPP :05:TEST COMPANY SA UL. CHMIELNICKA 825/80 00-805 WARSZAWA POLAND :07:TEST.PLA 45 {1:F01WBKPPLPPXXXX0001000001}{2:I100CHASUS33XXXXN1}{4: :20:REF0331142703000 :32A:140903USD33,00 :50:TEST COMPANY SA UL. CHMIELNICK 82/80 00-805 WARSZAWA POLAND :52D:71150018811218800000000000 71150018811218800000000000 PLN99,00 US US :57A:CHASUS33 :57D:JKP MORGAN BANK N Y 10006 NEW YORK UNITED STATES :59:/937364214 APX TECHNICAL SERVICES INC HANOVER STREET 56 10008 NEW YORK UNITED STATES :70:REF:C18D14156L22408 EMAIL 4TH JUNE :71A:SHA :72:00 00 00 00 DEAL/123321/ -} $ {1:F01WBKPPLPPXXXX0001000001}{2:I100BBRUBEBBXXXXN1}{4: :20:REF0331142703111 :32A:140903USD66,00 :50:TEST COMPANY SA UL. CHMIELNICKA 82/80 00-805 WARSZAWA POLAND :52D:71150018811218800000000000 7115001881121880000000000 PLN198,00 BE BE :57A:BBRUBEBB :57D:ING BELGIUM NV/SA AVENUE MARENERNIX 14 1000 BRUSSELS BELGIUM :59:/BE14310021815083 TEST MPQ SA Boulevard du Souverain 22 B-1070 Brussels BELGIUM :70:CONTINUITY CLAUSE :71A:SHA :72:00 00 00 00 DEAL/123321-2/ -}
Another example with one transaction :
:01:28705058140908 :02:30592,75 :03:1 :04:PKOPPLPW :05:P4 Sp. z o.o. Ul. PilSKIEGO 13 02-081 Warszawa :07:PLA-NORM.140 {1:F01PKOPPLPWXXXX0001000001}{2:I100RBOSNL2AXXXXN1}{4: :20:1000166 :32A:130114PLN30592,75 :50:P4 Sp. z o.o. Ul. PilSKIEGO 13 02-081 Warszawa :52D:43124060031100000049000000 43124060031100000049000000 PLN30592,75 NL NL :57A:RBOSNL2A :57D: Bank of Scotland N.V . Gustav Xxxxxxxx 40 1002PP Amsterdam :59:/NL51RBOS0759924465 ACN Europe B.V. Malthusstraat 2-6 Amsterdam :70: 9980064049 :71A:SHA :72:00 00 00 00 -}
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